Shady Blogic

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Injection 2: The SQL

Technical Blog - Week 8

SQL injection is a code injection attack used to coerce databases to dump their contents to the attacker. One of the most common ways to accomplish this is by exploiting poorly secured user input using escape characters. Consider the following:


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Jumping Through Loops

Technical Blog - Week 7

We've been learning JavaScript this week, and there are some immediately noticeable difference between JS and Ruby. To start with, arrays are not nearly as easy to work with in JS. Using Ruby we can take an array and iterate through the elements with the .each method. JavaScript has no built in iteration method, so we are required to build our own with a for loop. One way to do this would be the notation:


My beautiful face


Building Dogs

Technical Blog - Week 5

- Good afternoon class, yes, come in, sit down. Today we will be learning about classes. That's right, it's the classes class. As we all know, literally EVERYTHING in Ruby is an object. The main purpose of a class is to be a template for making objects, containing attributes and behaviors that are defined when creating the object. They are the blueprint, the prototype, the Platonic Ideal of objects. If objects were alive their class would be their DNA. In order to demonstrate how apropos this analogy is, we're going to build a dog in Ruby. Let's begin!


My beautiful face


Collecting Maps

Technical Blog - Week 4

Ruby methods! There are so many! And they all do such wonderful things. But did you know that some of them are exactly the same? Sneaky methods, making us think there are more of them than there really are. Two such offenders are the map and collect methods. These two tricksy methods do exactly the same thing, so this week we're going to learn about them and kill two birds with one method. Let's begin!


My beautiful face


Arrays and Hashes

Technical Blog - Week 3

Hello friends! We started learning Ruby this week, very basic stuff but you have to start somewhere so why not start at the beginning? Today we'll be talking about arrays and hashes, two systems Ruby uses to store collections of objects. Let's begin!


My beautiful face


A(CSS)ume the Position

Technical Blog - Week 2

My site is live! If you're reading this then you already know, because you're on it. Boy is CSS a pain in the butt. I've never used CSS or HTML before, and one week is a short amount of time to learn a whole new language. I think I did a pretty good job though. Anyway, I'm here to talk to you about CSS positioning, the only part of the language that gave me a headache. Let's begin!


My beautiful face


Git Wrangling 101

Technical Blog - Week 1

Welcome, neophytes, to the Holy Order of Git. Our sacred cabal is an ancient one that worships that fell beast known as The Great Instrument of Terror, or The Git. The Git is as frightening as it is powerful, but our coterie has long practiced the secrets of taming this monster. As an acolyte it is my job to teach you our ways and impart some basic knowledge such that you may survive your encounters with the beast.